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Optis Featured in HR reMix!

A big thanks to Melissa Fairman over at [HR reMIx]( for hosting Optis on her blog! Here's a snippet of what we're blogging about on HR reMix. [Read the full article here.]( **[Easing Your FMLA Headache](** Is there any bigger headache for HR managers than the one brought on by managing FMLA leave events? Keeping track of federal and state leave laws, managing requests, tracking snippets of time … it can eventually drive even the most organized HR pro to the brink of madness. HR often wonders, “Is there anything to do to ease this headache?” [Keep reading]( ...

About Optis

For your employees, life happens, benefits are used and data is born. But without visibility and access to all of your workforce data, it’s only a matter of time before you lose control - and lose compliance. Optis makes your disparate people data easy to see, control and understand.

Our flexible data solutions and cloud-based software empower your organization to manage leave events, navigate regulatory compliance and integrate all of your data sources. Alleviate the burden of manual administration, reduce risks, get the full picture of your people data and make better business decisions.

Don’t get blindsided by the data you can’t see. Optis. Illuminate Your People Data.