Over the past 18 months Optis has moved from a waterfall project management model to a SCRUM & AGILE project management philosophy for our new customers who require increased configuration. Developed in 1993, SCRUM promotes agile software development.
Yep, we get it…why would you care what project management methodology is used, just that your high quality product is delivered on time, within budget & scope, etc. ***But, it turns out that the SCRUM methodology has several benefits for you as the customer***. Including –
+ *Higher quality product – rigorous testing processes and iterative feedback*
+ *More flexibility in the requirements gathering process – leads to cost savings*
Also, the SCRUM methodology has solid project values that we’ve found work well for us here at Optis -
+ Transparency: everything about the “project” is visible to everyone
+ Commitment: be willing to commit to a goal
+ Courage: have the courage to commit, to act, to be open and to expect respect
+ Focus: focus all of your efforts and skills on doing the work that you have committed to doing
+ Respect: respect and trust the different people who comprise a team
We’ve found that the SCRUM values can be applied to much more than just project management to improve productivity. There are various leadership aspects of Human Resources where the values can apply.
+ Transparency - ensure your Human Resource policies and procedures are visible and known by everyone. Is your FMLA tracking rolling back, rolling forward, on a calendar year, or some other fixed 12-month year? Make sure your method is clearly stated and known among employees.
+ Commitment - everyone should be willing to commit to a common goal, whether it’s a broad corporate goal or a project goal, implementing a new system, or managing an employee’s leave of absence.
+ Courage - Encourage employees to have the courage to creatively find solutions, to commit, to act, to be open and seek out solutions that are the best for the company and its employees.
+ Focus - focus all of your efforts and skills on doing the work you have committed to doing and reaching the common goal. Don’t get sidetracked by competing priorities.
+ Respect – in Human Resources, you work across all levels of the organization. Respect is earned but is fostered by open communication and a company philosophy that everyone in the organization has the potential to equally provide value.
Keep these values in mind, be willing to change, and then take the first step to disrupt the status quo.