Let’s face it. Managing employee leave isn’t the most glamorous aspect of HR or workforce management. But it’s certainly among the most challenging. The legal and regulatory backdrop to leave management is complex, and it varies based on factors that range from where you do business to the size of your company. You feel as if the rules are ever-changing. It’s like doing business in an amusement park fun house; it’s a challenge to keep your footing, hard to know if what you’re seeing is real, and difficult to get a firm hold on the rail to help lead you through the maze.
Are You Keeping Pace with Developments in Leave Management?

Transitioning from Manual FMLA Tracking to a Cloud Solution: Part II
*Two weeks ago, we discussed the [first two steps of transitioning from manual FMLA tracking to a cloud solution](http://optis.com/blog/transitioning-manual-fmla-tracking-cloud-solution-part-i). This week, we’re exploring Step 3.*
**Step 3: Investigate the options**
Bad habits are hard to break. But, as the saying goes, “The definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Sure, it may be hard to let go of your paper-based FMLA tracking process because of the familiarity, the consistency, your habit – call it what you will.
Transitioning from Manual FMLA Tracking to a Cloud Solution: Part I
*Step 1: Recognize the Problem*
It’s one thing to track FMLA days when they are continuous, but it’s another gamut entirely when FMLA leaves are taken intermittently. The frustrations and headaches mount, especially in a manual, non-automated environment. Manual environments are paper-based or spreadsheet-driven, which while initially useful can become cumbersome, mistake-prone and non-transferable over time.
When tracking FMLA available hours manually, it’s only a matter of time until you’re not confident in your calculations.
What's Missing from Your FMLA Tracking?
FMLA court decisions are never-ending … and provide lessons for all companies and organizations (whether you’re in court or not).
Following the *Young vs. The Wackenhut Corporation* decision earlier this year, we’re reminded of the importance of individual notice. We know from the law that individual notice must be provided when an employee requests FMLA-related leave or when an employer acquires knowledge that an employee’s leave may be for an FMLA-qualifying reason (if you didn’t know that, consider it a free tip).