December has arrived and the end of the year is upon us. *Where did the last 11 months go!?*
Like most people, you’re likely planning holiday parties, baking, shopping, and, *oh yeah*, working.
This time of year it can be especially challenging to get everything checked off your 'to do' list.
Get More Done This Holiday While Managing Leave
Be More Productive Every Day

Why is it that some people and companies are consistently productive, day in and day out, despite the curve balls that life and business throw at them? What lessons have they learned that we seem to have missed?
Your game, too, could be less affected by the curve balls of disruptions and upheaval. How? We've uncovered five key practices that can help you do more despite disruptions, delays and drama.
What are they?
The Labor Day Lowdown: Increasing Productivity, Reducing Absenteeism, and Other Stuff to Celebrate on Monday
Summer is on its way out. Fall is arriving. Labor Day weekend is ahead. And we all celebrate the day dedicated to the American worker by, ironically, not working.
Counter-intuitive as it may be, we’re looking forward to it. We think about not being at work a lot (i.e. absenteeism) and how to get people back to work sooner. Speaking of, did you catch the recent article that said [depression is responsible for nearly $23 billion in absenteeism](http://www.gallup.com/poll/163619/depression-costs-workplaces-billion-absenteeism.aspx)? Man … that’s depressing.