Do you track FMLA employee leaves for your organization? Tracking employee leaves of absence can be difficult to manage, particularly if you manage leaves within a nation-wide organization with hundreds of employees working across several states with various different leave benefits.
It’s apparent that implementing a FMLA tracking system would make life easier. But, with already stretched budgets and staff, how to do you bring the business case to key stakeholders that a leave management tool is worth the investment?
What are the key benefits FMLA software will bring to your organization? Here are four reasons below that you can bring to your key stakeholders when building the case for the FMLA software buying decision:
+ **Analyze trends** – FMLA software will provide benchmarking and trends to give a broad view of your organization’s absence picture over time. With this knowledge, important forecasting measures can be taken.
+ **Compliance** – Currently, there are federal, state, and even city leave regulations that are ever-changing and overwhelming. FMLA software keeps you informed of new leave regulations. It also ensures that all of the Leave Managers in the company are managing and applying the leave benefits consistently.
+ **Efficiency** – FMLA software improves efficiency. It enables Leave Managers to organize employee absences and reduce the amount of time needed to manage them. In addition, as companies grow, and more employees are added, there won’t be an immediate need to add more resources to manage the increase of employee leaves. Furthermore, if a Leave Manager transitions to another team, employee leaves can be seamlessly transferred to another Leave Manager.
+ **Impact the Bottom Line through Cost Savings** – There are several areas where there’s an opportunity for money to be saved and have a substantial impact on the company’s bottom line. First, FMLA software will assist in returning employees to work sooner, saving money. Also, tracking software will help avoid any legal mishaps and help the HR leave tracking program remain compliant. It will also provide important trend information that will enable stakeholders make more informed decisions about employee benefit programs. Lastly, it will help reduce the need for a bigger HR staffing model with the increased administrative efficiency that a system provides.
These are a few reasons to help get you started. At OCI, we know that FMLA leave management contains several moving parts. Follow [@OCIFastTrack]( on Twitter for tips on managing employee leave and industry information.
Looking for more information about purchasing leave software? Download OCI's Whitepaper, *[Can a Leave Management System Affect Your Bottom Line](*?
Building a Business Case for FMLA & Leave Tracking Software