Let’s face it. Managing employee leave isn’t the most glamorous aspect of HR or workforce management. But it’s certainly among the most challenging. The legal and regulatory backdrop to leave management is complex, and it varies based on factors that range from where you do business to the size of your company. You feel as if the rules are ever-changing. It’s like doing business in an amusement park fun house; it’s a challenge to keep your footing, hard to know if what you’re seeing is real, and difficult to get a firm hold on the rail to help lead you through the maze.
Are You Keeping Pace with Developments in Leave Management?

Curbing Intermittent Leave Abuse to Reduce Costly Oversights

Sick days happen. And when they do, employees need to be able to have the time they need to care for their health. It is, of course, in your best interest and theirs to allow employees adequate time. You want to ensure that your employees are healthy, happy, and operating at full capacity for the benefit of your company. But you also need to comply with FMLA requirements.
FMLA, EEOC, and the Vowel Song
*This week’s blog post is brought to you by [Jim Bryant](https://www.linkedin.com/pub/jim-bryant/8/454/893) and the letter Y.*

I wonder if the farmer Old MacDonald would have a problem spelling FMLA and ADAAA? Would Mr.
7 Steps to Keep in Mind When Managing Employee Accommodations
Check out our latest [video](https://voice.adobe.com/a/Wrv3d) for seven quick tips on managing employee accommodations under the ADA/ADAAA.
5 Reasons to Sign-up for LeaveXpert Explore
If you track FMLA leave, you have probably experienced a snag in the process or headache somewhere along the line. Good news! There are tools available to help you track FMLA, state, military leave, and employee accommodations.
We have 5 spots available for [LeaveXpert Explore](http://optis.com/sign-up-for-leavexpert-explore), an open demo of LeaveXpert, tomorrow, May 14 at 1 pm EST. [Sign up here](http://optis.com/sign-up-for-leavexpert-explore) and we’ll send you the conference call information.
Here are a few facts about the FMLA and how LeaveXpert can help:
Optis Featured in DMEC’s @Work Magazine: Who Owns Your Data?
Discover the five steps to successful data and vendor management from Optis’ Executive VP, [Rene Gates](https://www.linkedin.com/pub/rene-gates/6/a03/6b9), in the [latest issue](https://dmec.secure.force.com/?RelayState=Default) of [DMEC’s @Work magazine](https://dmec.secure.force.com/?RelayState=Default) (members-only content.)

7 Steps to ADA Accommodations Compliance
Although it’s been nearly four years since the EEOC issued long-awaited final regulations interpreting the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, compliance remains a huge challenge, and the risks of noncompliance can be costly. Keeping up with changes to — and interpretations of — the ADA/ADAAA can be a full-time job.
5 Best Practices to Keep in Mind When Managing Employee Accommodations
Last week, Optis attended [DMEC’s FMLA/ADAAA Employer Compliance Conference](http://dmec.org/compliance-conference/). After hearing several sessions regarding the ever-changing employment law landscape and compliance challenges, we thought it’d be beneficial to recap the best practices in managing ADA/ADAAA employee accommodations:
1. *Always engage in the interactive process*
Have open and transparent communication with your employees if they bring up a medical condition.
Follow-Up To Recent Updates in FMLA Legislation
*This update is provided to you by Optis’ Business Development Analyst, [David Spring](https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidspringoptis).*

Last week, we addressed the DOL not enforcing the [Final Rule](http://www.dol.gov/whd/fmla/spouse/) that was issued in February of this year in four states - Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana and Nebraska. The Final Rule aimed to increase the consistency across the United States in how the FMLA is provided to same-sex spouses.
Recent Updates in FMLA Legislation
*This week’s blog post is brought to you by Optis’ Business Development Analyst, [David Spring](https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidspringoptis).*

If you manage FMLA leave, you’ve most likely heard the recent news that the Department of Labor's (DOL) Final Rule on the definition of spouse has been temporarily stayed in four states. The [final rule](http://www.dol.gov/whd/fmla/spouse/) was issued February 25, 2015 by the DOL and aimed to increase the consistency across the United States in how the FMLA is provided to same-sex spouses.