[#HRTechConf](https://twitter.com/search?q=%23hrtechconf&src=typd) is just days away. You can almost hear the slot machines, can’t you? Do you see the Vegas skyline when you close your eyes? We know - you’re excited. We’re excited, too. Everyone is planning to have a good time in Vegas.

But, aside from having fun at the after-parties, you’re being sent to [#HRTechConf](https://twitter.com/search?q=%23hrtechconf&src=typd) on a mission, aren’t you? And that mission is: **to learn about the latest HR technology and cloud-software.**
However, it can be hard to stay focused with the bling-bling-bling of slot machines ringing in your ears for days on end. And when you’re back in the office, after the haze of four days in the city that never sleeps is lifted, you’ll find it even more difficult to keep track of everyone you met, what you learned in sessions, and the vendors you enjoyed visiting on the tradeshow floor.
So, how can you go to Vegas this weekend and get your search for HR software on (and still manage to have a good time)? Here’s how:
1. **Have a plan.** Peruse the exhibit hall and session agenda before you arrive. Use the [mobile app](http://www.hrtechnologyconference.com/app.html) to ‘favorite’ the sessions you want to attend and the vendors you want to meet. Know when the exhibit hall is open. (Monday 10am-12:15pm, 2-6pm; Tuesday 10am-4pm)
2. **Make appointments.** You might stumble upon an exciting product demo as you wander the tradeshow floor, but the chances of getting all of your questions answered in a group demo are pretty low. Instead, reach out to the companies you’re most interested in before the conference and schedule a private discussion or demo. If it’s too late to schedule a meeting or your schedule is already packed, visit the companies you want to learn more about to set up a post-show, private demo.
3. **Don’t sign up for every gadget and gizmo.** Sure, you really want the newest, smallest, and fastest handheld gadget on the market, but that’s not why you’re here. Dropping your card in fishbowls or getting scanned for every raffle will only cloud your memory when you get back to the office and are bombarded with hundreds of, “Nice to Meet You – But You Didn’t Win,” emails. Only pass your information on to the vendors you have a genuine interest in purchasing from or you desire to get real product information from post-event.
4. **Don’t party too hard.** We’re all excited for the events taking place next week at a number of the best clubs in Vegas, but don’t overdo it. Enjoy the parties. Get your networking on. But use the after-parties to meet people you follow on Twitter or who share in your passion for HR. Don’t use them as an excuse to have too many cocktails and end up sleeping through the next day’s general session.
5. **Take notes.** You might think you’ll remember the name of the coolest people you meet or the vendors that were the most interesting, but sometimes things do stay in Vegas – like your memory. Jot down a few important features on the data sheets you grab from vendors. Make a quick note on the back of a business card of where you met someone and why you exchanged cards. Capture good ideas shared at sessions. Writing things down as they happen will help you remember everything more clearly - once your ears stop ringing from those darn slot machines.
P.S. Make [an appointment](http://optis.com/contact) to visit us at **Booth 536** at [#HRTech](https://twitter.com/search?src=typd&q=%23hrtech) and find out how you can save 10% on your LeaveXpert purchase.
Five Tips for Shopping at #HRTechConf