*Step 5: Make the Purchase!*
After the [business justification process](http://optis.com/blog/transitioning-manual-fmla-tracking-cloud-solution-part-iii) has been completed, we’ll assume you received the stamp: ‘APPROVED.’ The last step of the process is making the purchase, but remember with purchasing, comes great responsibility.
**Double Check Security**
A purchased solution is only as strong or secure as its weakest component, so be sure to only enter a relationship with a company that has demonstrable security certification.
Transitioning from Manual FMLA Tracking to a Cloud Solution: Part IV
Iron Clad? More Like Iron Cloud.
**Optis Announces ISO 27001 Certification at HR Tech Conference**
In life, we all take great strides to protect our personal data and identity. We rip up all those credit card offerings we receive in the mail, we run our free annual credit report each year, and keep our social security cards tucked away in a safe place.
Five Tips for Shopping at #HRTechConf
[#HRTechConf](https://twitter.com/search?q=%23hrtechconf&src=typd) is just days away. You can almost hear the slot machines, can’t you? Do you see the Vegas skyline when you close your eyes? We know - you’re excited. We’re excited, too. Everyone is planning to have a good time in Vegas.

But, aside from having fun at the after-parties, you’re being sent to [#HRTechConf](https://twitter.com/search?q=%23hrtechconf&src=typd) on a mission, aren’t you?
Transitioning from Manual FMLA Tracking to a Cloud Solution: Part I
*Step 1: Recognize the Problem*
It’s one thing to track FMLA days when they are continuous, but it’s another gamut entirely when FMLA leaves are taken intermittently. The frustrations and headaches mount, especially in a manual, non-automated environment. Manual environments are paper-based or spreadsheet-driven, which while initially useful can become cumbersome, mistake-prone and non-transferable over time.
When tracking FMLA available hours manually, it’s only a matter of time until you’re not confident in your calculations.
Top 10 Reasons to Track FMLA in the Cloud
10. [#Saynotospreadsheets](https://twitter.com/search?q=%23saynotospreadsheets&src=typd) and wave goodbye to sticky notes.
9. Gain insight into absence trends.
8. Manage accommodation requests & approvals.
7. Track eligibility and certification documentation online instead of in paper files.
6. Keep your data secure in the cloud instead of in a dusty file cabinet.
5. Show your manager and team you’re an HR Rock Star! Try before you buy and see which product edition works best for you.
4. Track leave remotely; login anywhere that has an internet connection.
The Next Evolution in Leave Management is Coming …
We’ve got some big news to share.
We’re counting down the days until the [2013 SHRM Annual Conference & Expo in Chicago](http://annual.shrm.org), where we’ll be debuting the next evolution in leave and absence management.
What could it be, you ask? Well, we know that when certain things are missing, it’s pretty evident. You wouldn’t visit the Lincoln Memorial and expect to see an empty chair. In your office, you wouldn’t have an important conference without a table. And you wouldn’t expect your employees to be productive without much-needed information for their jobs.
IHRIM Confirms: HR is in the Cloud
Optis returned back to Denver from exhibiting at the IHRIM 2013 HRMS Strategies Conference and Technology Exposition in Orlando, FL. Big thanks to IHRIM for another great conference! Although it’s a relatively young show, IHRIM’s conference features some of the most innovative and exciting HR technologies out there that help your department face the issues of managing today’s (and our future) workforce.
Inventive companies were popping up all over the tradeshow floor – identifying missing technologies and quickly providing automated and cloud-software solutions for everything in HR.