Optis returned back to Denver from exhibiting at the IHRIM 2013 HRMS Strategies Conference and Technology Exposition in Orlando, FL. Big thanks to IHRIM for another great conference! Although it’s a relatively young show, IHRIM’s conference features some of the most innovative and exciting HR technologies out there that help your department face the issues of managing today’s (and our future) workforce.
Inventive companies were popping up all over the tradeshow floor – identifying missing technologies and quickly providing automated and cloud-software solutions for everything in HR. No longer is HR tech about talent management and recruiting. You can find a cloud-based solution for every aspect of human capital management including case management, workforce analytics and, our fave topic, leave management.
But, it’s interesting … Optis was the only solution on the show floor featuring a stand-alone cloud-software for managing and tracking FMLA and other leave events. Just as IHRIM is the leading professional association for supporting the human resource information management community, Optis’ LeaveXpert is the leading SaaS leave management software … proving time and time again to be more accessible and innovative than our competitors.
We’ve been ramping up or cloud-software to be faster (and less expensive) with more features and capabilities to fill the gaping void in the leave management industry – while helping you get your missing employees back to work sooner.
Be sure to visit us at our next conference, SHRM 2013 in Chicago, IL, to find out about the next evolution in leave and absence management and the impact that managing absence in the cloud will have on your organization. We have some exciting news to share….
Thanks again to everyone who visited us at booth 303!

IHRIM Confirms: HR is in the Cloud