We all want to work smarter, not harder. (Such a catchy little phrase.)
The problem that most of us face when inspired by this phrase is how to get started. What exactly can we do ‘smarter’ or more efficiently? How can we accomplish all there is to be done, without additional hard work?
When managing workplace absenteeism, the conundrum is no different. Leaves are requested, notifications need to be sent, certifications need to be received, time needs to be tracked, and leave laws need to be followed.
Three Ways to Manage Absenteeism Smarter, Not Harder
The Labor Day Lowdown: Increasing Productivity, Reducing Absenteeism, and Other Stuff to Celebrate on Monday
Summer is on its way out. Fall is arriving. Labor Day weekend is ahead. And we all celebrate the day dedicated to the American worker by, ironically, not working.
Counter-intuitive as it may be, we’re looking forward to it. We think about not being at work a lot (i.e. absenteeism) and how to get people back to work sooner. Speaking of, did you catch the recent article that said [depression is responsible for nearly $23 billion in absenteeism](http://www.gallup.com/poll/163619/depression-costs-workplaces-billion-absenteeism.aspx)? Man … that’s depressing.