We all want to work smarter, not harder. (Such a catchy little phrase.)
The problem that most of us face when inspired by this phrase is how to get started. What exactly can we do ‘smarter’ or more efficiently? How can we accomplish all there is to be done, without additional hard work?
When managing workplace absenteeism, the conundrum is no different. Leaves are requested, notifications need to be sent, certifications need to be received, time needs to be tracked, and leave laws need to be followed. It seems as though there is hardly enough time to accomplish all that needs to be done, let alone changing the process. How can we even begin to be more efficient and break the cycle of burdensome work?
Cloud-software. With a cloud-based leave management software, you can gain immediate access to a better process. Without a long software implementation (that all the other leave management systems require) cloud-based solutions provide a time-saving, simpler process immediately.
You’ll be working smarter, not harder, within minutes of signing up by gaining:
+ Automated Task Management – Within a proper leave management system, tasks associated with employee absenteeism, such as sending an initial notice or following up with a doctor, are prioritized and organized by due date. Having an organized, prioritized list of tasks is the first step to working smart.
+ Correspondence Templates – Why reinvent the wheel? Every time you need to send a communication to an employee, supervisor, or another individual associated with a leave, you shouldn’t start from scratch. Instead, a good leave management system will have a library of templates that can be auto-populated to streamline your communication process. Additionally, they can be saved within a leave for future reference. Using a quality, repeatable process makes the hard work a little easier.
+ Centralized Information Hub – While a prioritized list and quality processes will definitely set you on the right path, the most important step is to keep information you need to know at your fingertips. Shuffling through employee files, looking up leave laws, or checking various systems for payroll information wastes time, adds stress, and is prone to error. The best leave management system, will integrate all of your employee information as well as provide the Federal and State leave laws that need to be considered when managing absenteeism. Keeping all of your information in one place will ensure you’re the most efficient (smarter) and reduce your administrative burden (not harder).
Ready to jump on the working smarter, not harder band-wagon? Sign up for our [LeaveXpert trial](https://www.leavexpert.com/) today and gain immediate access to your own leave management cloud-software.
Three Ways to Manage Absenteeism Smarter, Not Harder