Recently, the state of Tennessee amended *TCA, Title 8, Chapter 33, Part 1* regarding employees in military service. This may mean absolutely nothing to you. But, if you have employees in the state of Tennessee, you need to know what the amendment was and how it affects your employees’ leave eligibility.
In a time of frequent legislative changes, varying court rulings, and ever-evolving state and federal leave laws, it can be confusing for a Leave Specialist or HR Manager to keep track of which laws apply their employees. Uncertainty can lead to compliance issues, unhappy employees and, at worst, lawsuits.
Despite the possible legal and financial implications of not complying with the current leave laws, nearly one-third of respondents in a recent leave management survey cite ‘Google and Web Searches’ as their main source of leave information. Leave Specialists and HR Managers aren’t being provided the training and resources they need to stay abreast of state and federal changes, so they’re researching the information on their own.
To help with this big piece of the leave management puzzle, we’ve compiled a list of helpful resources that can guide an HR department when needing information to make the best decision regarding leave.
+ [elaws – Family and Medical Leave Act Advisor](
+ [DOL Family and Medical Leave Act](http://www.dol.gob/whd/fmla)
+ [DOL Military Leave Provisions](
+ [SHRM Legal Issues](
+ [DMEC Blog](
And if you’re in the state of Tennessee, [here are the details]( on the amendment above.
***Going to SHRM?** Stop by [Booth 2713]( to learn how OCI can help you solve the leave management puzzle. Participate in our leave management survey for a $5 Starbucks gift card and enjoy a coffee on us!* FMLA