10. [#Saynotospreadsheets](https://twitter.com/search?q=%23saynotospreadsheets&src=typd) and wave goodbye to sticky notes.
9. Gain insight into absence trends.
8. Manage accommodation requests & approvals.
7. Track eligibility and certification documentation online instead of in paper files.
6. Keep your data secure in the cloud instead of in a dusty file cabinet.
5. Show your manager and team you’re an HR Rock Star! Try before you buy and see which product edition works best for you.
4. Track leave remotely; login anywhere that has an internet connection.
3. Seamlessly transfer absence cases from one leave manager to another; balance case loads and necessary changes within the HR Team.
2. Start tracking FMLA events *today* without a lengthy software implementation – no data feed setup required!
1. Make life easier! Improve efficiency and get a handle on employee leave.
*Have you tried our 30 day LeaveXpert trial? Start tracking FMLA in the cloud today by signing up at [leavexpert.com](https://www.leavexpert.com/).*

Top 10 Reasons to Track FMLA in the Cloud