OCI has an exciting fall ahead of us with a lot of HR events on our calendar. We'll be traveling to several states to discuss leave management, FMLA tracking, RTW practices, and absence reporting with HR professionals across the U.S.!
Please stop by our booth at one of the conferences below and ask about LeaveXpert - the essential leave management system.
October 1-3, 2012
Scottdale, AZ
**Booth #92**
[HR Tech](http://www.hrtechnologyconference.com/)
October 7-9, 2012
Chicago, IL
**Booth #100**
[MI SHRM State Conference](http://www.mishrm.org/template.php?pid=53http://)
October 10-12, 2012
Novi, MI
[HR Southwest](http://www.hrsouthwest.com/)
Fort Worth, TX
October 14-16, 2012
**Booth #400**
[Sign up today](/contact) to schedule a meeting or LeaveXpert demo!