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Get More Done This Holiday While Managing Leave
![Productive](/sites/default/files/ProductivitySnip.jpg) December has arrived and the end of the year is upon us.
How to Manage DOMA & FMLA (Hint: Cloud-Software)
DOMA and FMLA. FMLA and DOMA. There’s so much to know! So many changes to make! So many acronyms to understand!
Don't Let FMLA Compliance Sneak Up on You
Here at Optis, we keep our ears to the ground on recent industry news and regulations.
Transitioning from Manual FMLA Tracking to a Cloud Solution: Part II
*Two weeks ago, we discussed the [first two steps of transitioning from manual FMLA tracking to a cloud solution](http://opti
Say Goodbye to FMLA Tracking Spreadsheets
Managing leave events by using Excel spreadsheets and desk calendars can get burdensome in a hurry.
Two Items for Your To Do List for the New Year: Leave Updates Effective January 1, 2014
We’re about 3 weeks away from the New Year.
Cloud-Software: Tap Into HR’s Greatest Potential
Most human resources managers spend a lot of time thinking about how to maximize the potential and productivity of their empl
Audit Leave Use to Stay Within the Balance
Everyone hates the word “audit,” but without an audit, you might be giving away more leave than you intended.
Five Tips for Shopping at #HRTechConf
[#HRTechConf]( is just days away.
FMLA, And Spreadsheets, And Tracking - Oh My!
Last week, we explained why using spreadsheets to track employee leave isn’t ideal.
Checking it Twice: How HR is Pretty Much Santa Claus
When you think about it, HR managers are pretty much just like Santa. You have long lists *(absent employees, job codes, ope
What's Missing from Your FMLA Tracking?
FMLA court decisions are never-ending … and provide lessons for all companies and organizations (whether you’re in court or n